Is Nuclear Terrorism a real threat?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Moscow Metro Bombing

At around 7:46 a train park central Lubyanka station in Moscow, Russia was bombed sending commuters running for their lives in a desperate panic to save their own lives.
Later at around 8:38, six stops from Lubyanka station a second blast occurred in the back of another train sending smoke and dabree throughout the other train cars.
Between the two attacks 38 people were killed along with 60 more in critical shape.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin told the news "I am confident that law enforcement bodies will spare no effort to track down and punish the criminals. Terrorists will be destroyed"
While President Dmitry Medvedev followed his response with "They are animals. I have no doubt that we will find and destroy them all."
The Metro system in Moscow is one of the biggest uses of transportation throughout that region and has shaken many of the civilians through that whole area.
Not know who the attackers are also a big problem for the Russian Government because no group has taken credit for the attack there for an investigation is underway to figure out the assailant’s background. Right now the only thing that they can figure it that it would be the Islamist trying to gain their independence in the Russian province Chechnya.
I think that the Russian Government needs to make a statement with these extremist when then finally figure out what group caused the bombings because the Russian people I feel are in the same boat as the United States after 9/11 because in both situations there were multiple attacks, and if to attack occur in close to the same time period it is only another matter of time before another attack comes.
For the extremist group that has pulled of this horrific attack they should stand up and take credit for these attacks because if you say that you are attacking innocent people to get your message across, but when you attack you don't put your message out there then, you are worse than the typical terrorist group. Most terrorist or extremist groups take credit for their attack to get a message or the voice to be here, they have a purpose for the attacks. Yet when you attack just to attack and kill innocent lives then you are the definition of evil in the world.

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