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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Pirated Oil Tanker Chased by South Korean Navy

In the Indian Ocean a 300,000 ton oil tanker on it's way to the United States from Iraq was hijacked by Somalian Pirates and in on course now to the Somalian coastline. The ship carried 24 crew members and a full load of crued oil valued at around 170 million dollars. In prusuit is the South Korean navy who have a strong policy against piracy and have sent their destroyer warship to intercept the tanker before it reaches the Somalian coast. South Korea believes that they can retake the ship and secure the oil. This is not the first attack by Somalian Pirates, in fact there have been numerous attacks which has lead to 10 million dollars in ransom money last year alone. It is becoming an increasing problem especially for us because with more ships being attacked and oil being taken it will only increase the price of oil in the United States. To protect the ships themselves and also the oil stolen by the Pirates. I think that a stronger military presence is needed in that part of the world to protect our interests. Not to attack Somalia itself but the Pirates that leave their shores in order to take what isn't theirs and threaten the lives of innocent crew members aboard. Everyone else in the world has to pay for everything, it comes out of our pockets and costs the lives of people just trying to make a living, something must be done, something should be done.

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