Is Nuclear Terrorism a real threat?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Can spreading democracy help defeat terrorism? Part 3

The idea of democracy is great, people being able to use their free will to vote for the things and the people that will represent them and affect their lives. When the United States started out the States they were in charge and the people voted for representatives that were close to them and knew what they needed so that they could make changes in the federal government. As time has gone by the federal governments more has far exceeded the states power and have stepped it up to the point where the federal government controls almost everything. As beautifully as democracy sounds and they way in which it is supposed to be run it has one major flaw, people. People with power only want more power, and living in a country where our national government has the right to intrude in our everyday lives whenever they want in accordance with the Patriot act is a big reason why I can see why Islamic nations have a problem with the installation of democracy in their nation. To allow a country to step in and violently remove the leadership or political views or a corrupt system only to install one of their own is a hard stance to take. So in my opinion the answer would be no, spreading democracy will not defeat terrorism it will only strengthen it. If people want to change then they will, they will not respond to forced change and it will lead them more so towards their current leaders and into the hands of extremist groups whose purpose is to stop western and democratic ideologies from taking over.

Can spreading democracy help defeat terrorism? Part 2

In elections such as Iraq’s first democratic election the threat level was very high for a terrorist attacks and firefights started outside the designated voting areas taking the lives of U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens who took it upon themselves to vote. With the overwhelming threat of violence against the people voting and the power that those extremist groups already carry in their lands causes a big problem for America’s plan. If people fear for their lives then they won’t vote, if anti-American propaganda is used then people views of these elections will shift from a positive to a negative. This would give extremist groups more power of recruitment and a wider range of people to pick from. The idea of change to people anywhere is a scary thing, people fear change no matter where you are from, so to have another country with different ideas and governments come into your country and almost forcefully change the political structure people are going to have a problem with it. For example, even when the United States wasn’t doing so well the idea of communism was put in front of the citizens of the United States, and even though some people took to it and believed that it could help, the government squashed the idea and the people that were involved with it slamming down their iron fist.

Can spreading democracy help defeat terrorism? Part 1

The United States plan to end terrorism in the Middle East is merely to take out the extremist groups that control or are funded by the current governments, and then institute democracy into their ideology. With the overwhelming landslide of Hamas’ victory in the Palestinian election we have to take a step back and look at what we are trying to accomplish. On one hand the spreading of democracy in the Middle East could potentially let the people feel more involved in their countries and step away from their extremist views to work more for a politically strong party that can work out the problems that the people face civilly. On the other hand with the weapon assisted installation of democracy by the United States in the Middle East many Islamic extremist groups believe that it is just more western ideas that threaten their Islamic ways. With the spread of democracy in the Middle East it would allow the people of these countries able to have their voices heard and for a change to occur. With the current extremist governments in power the people are fed ideas in which they follow or run the risk of losing their lives. The plan would to have people vote for the type of government that the people want to live under and be lead by the people that they have elected instead of control staying with the same political parties. The idea is that is people are given the right to make those decisions then they will be less likely to join the extremist groups that purpose is to defeat western civilization instead of working with it, and create an Islamic world. If this would occur then Islamic extremist groups would become weaker and weaker until they no longer have the power to effect the government or persuade the people.

Is the threat of terrorism being overstated? Part 3

On the other hand if terrorism wasn’t talk about everyday and we weren’t told anything about it then we wouldn’t think about. If it is talked about then people will think about it, if it isn’t then they won’t. Attacks can still be prevented without mentioning it; we can stay safe even if we aren’t thinking about terrorism all the time. If the government does its job and does it well then we should be safe and at the same time not have to hear about everything going on. The point is that terrorism is now overstated in the United States because after the attacks on 9/11 the government was given a tremendous power, and without a clear opposition that is constantly causing us harm the government does not want to relinquish that power so instead they spread the word of terrorism through networks, and as that fear remains then there hold on power is safe. So yes terrorism is over stated in the United States, you are more likely to die in a car accident then by a terrorist attack but the story that you watch on the news at night is going to be about terrorism.

Is the threat of terrorism being overstated? Part 2

For decades the world has been plague to terrorist attack that has shattered the lives of thousands. In the United States we had been seemingly blind, with the thought that no one would dare attack us the idea of terrorism was tucked far back in our minds. Yet around the world terrorism has been a part of everyday life and in the news for years with attacks across Europe and Asia. With the typical U.S. personality people here did not pay attention or care what was going on in other parts of the world as it doesn’t affect them. Not until 9/11 did people start to pay attention and care about what was going on around the world, and the governments’ policies started changing and becoming what they are today. With airport security being more strict to the point where it has become hassling to any normal traveler. The government has been given the power by the “Patriot Act” to do just about whatever they want in order to prevent another attack. With power comes abuse of power, and the only way to keep that power in to keep fear with the people. If people hear about terrorism every day, hear about plans being uncovered and people killed then they will let the government keep the power to do what they want as long as you as a person feel safe. So everything is seemingly in a lock down, and with no attack on U.S. soil in 9 years the job seems to be being accomplished.

Is the threat of terrorism being overstated? Part 1

On September 12, 2001 the United States stood still as the most horrific attack on our lands history took place. Being the most recent and the largest attack terrorist attack in U.S. history the course in which followed is the most prevalent to what the future holds. With violence comes immediate speechlessness and sadness that quickly turns to fear and anger. With anger came George W. Bush’s “War on Terrorism” which started in Afghanistan quickly moving through-out the Middle East attacking the responsible extremist group Al-Qaeda and moving onto other threatening countries to spread democracy. While our anger is busy fighting in another part off the world back here on U.S. soil the fear of terrorism and another attack is all around us. Shaking our faith in airplanes and quickly spreading to forms of public transportation. With terrorism today being an everyday story in the news here and around the world it come to the attention of some that terrorism maybe overstated.