Is Nuclear Terrorism a real threat?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Can spreading democracy help defeat terrorism? Part 2

In elections such as Iraq’s first democratic election the threat level was very high for a terrorist attacks and firefights started outside the designated voting areas taking the lives of U.S. soldiers and Iraqi citizens who took it upon themselves to vote. With the overwhelming threat of violence against the people voting and the power that those extremist groups already carry in their lands causes a big problem for America’s plan. If people fear for their lives then they won’t vote, if anti-American propaganda is used then people views of these elections will shift from a positive to a negative. This would give extremist groups more power of recruitment and a wider range of people to pick from. The idea of change to people anywhere is a scary thing, people fear change no matter where you are from, so to have another country with different ideas and governments come into your country and almost forcefully change the political structure people are going to have a problem with it. For example, even when the United States wasn’t doing so well the idea of communism was put in front of the citizens of the United States, and even though some people took to it and believed that it could help, the government squashed the idea and the people that were involved with it slamming down their iron fist.

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