Is Nuclear Terrorism a real threat?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Can spreading democracy help defeat terrorism? Part 3

The idea of democracy is great, people being able to use their free will to vote for the things and the people that will represent them and affect their lives. When the United States started out the States they were in charge and the people voted for representatives that were close to them and knew what they needed so that they could make changes in the federal government. As time has gone by the federal governments more has far exceeded the states power and have stepped it up to the point where the federal government controls almost everything. As beautifully as democracy sounds and they way in which it is supposed to be run it has one major flaw, people. People with power only want more power, and living in a country where our national government has the right to intrude in our everyday lives whenever they want in accordance with the Patriot act is a big reason why I can see why Islamic nations have a problem with the installation of democracy in their nation. To allow a country to step in and violently remove the leadership or political views or a corrupt system only to install one of their own is a hard stance to take. So in my opinion the answer would be no, spreading democracy will not defeat terrorism it will only strengthen it. If people want to change then they will, they will not respond to forced change and it will lead them more so towards their current leaders and into the hands of extremist groups whose purpose is to stop western and democratic ideologies from taking over.

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