Is Nuclear Terrorism a real threat?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Is the threat of terrorism being overstated? Part 2

For decades the world has been plague to terrorist attack that has shattered the lives of thousands. In the United States we had been seemingly blind, with the thought that no one would dare attack us the idea of terrorism was tucked far back in our minds. Yet around the world terrorism has been a part of everyday life and in the news for years with attacks across Europe and Asia. With the typical U.S. personality people here did not pay attention or care what was going on in other parts of the world as it doesn’t affect them. Not until 9/11 did people start to pay attention and care about what was going on around the world, and the governments’ policies started changing and becoming what they are today. With airport security being more strict to the point where it has become hassling to any normal traveler. The government has been given the power by the “Patriot Act” to do just about whatever they want in order to prevent another attack. With power comes abuse of power, and the only way to keep that power in to keep fear with the people. If people hear about terrorism every day, hear about plans being uncovered and people killed then they will let the government keep the power to do what they want as long as you as a person feel safe. So everything is seemingly in a lock down, and with no attack on U.S. soil in 9 years the job seems to be being accomplished.

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