Is Nuclear Terrorism a real threat?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Can spreading democracy help defeat terrorism? Part 1

The United States plan to end terrorism in the Middle East is merely to take out the extremist groups that control or are funded by the current governments, and then institute democracy into their ideology. With the overwhelming landslide of Hamas’ victory in the Palestinian election we have to take a step back and look at what we are trying to accomplish. On one hand the spreading of democracy in the Middle East could potentially let the people feel more involved in their countries and step away from their extremist views to work more for a politically strong party that can work out the problems that the people face civilly. On the other hand with the weapon assisted installation of democracy by the United States in the Middle East many Islamic extremist groups believe that it is just more western ideas that threaten their Islamic ways. With the spread of democracy in the Middle East it would allow the people of these countries able to have their voices heard and for a change to occur. With the current extremist governments in power the people are fed ideas in which they follow or run the risk of losing their lives. The plan would to have people vote for the type of government that the people want to live under and be lead by the people that they have elected instead of control staying with the same political parties. The idea is that is people are given the right to make those decisions then they will be less likely to join the extremist groups that purpose is to defeat western civilization instead of working with it, and create an Islamic world. If this would occur then Islamic extremist groups would become weaker and weaker until they no longer have the power to effect the government or persuade the people.

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