Is Nuclear Terrorism a real threat?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Is the threat of terrorism being overstated? Part 1

On September 12, 2001 the United States stood still as the most horrific attack on our lands history took place. Being the most recent and the largest attack terrorist attack in U.S. history the course in which followed is the most prevalent to what the future holds. With violence comes immediate speechlessness and sadness that quickly turns to fear and anger. With anger came George W. Bush’s “War on Terrorism” which started in Afghanistan quickly moving through-out the Middle East attacking the responsible extremist group Al-Qaeda and moving onto other threatening countries to spread democracy. While our anger is busy fighting in another part off the world back here on U.S. soil the fear of terrorism and another attack is all around us. Shaking our faith in airplanes and quickly spreading to forms of public transportation. With terrorism today being an everyday story in the news here and around the world it come to the attention of some that terrorism maybe overstated.

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